My new and up coming server.

tsgh mike

For some of you that have me added like Mike and Elite although we don't talk that much may know for the past three months I have been working on a side project. This project is still a work in progress, which means that when I release it, it may have a bug or two so if you come across one let me know.

I am hoping for the release date to be some time in the next month or less, pretty much as soon as I get a new dedicated server I will be more than happy to put the beta up.
Cool! Looking forward to this new server.
tsgh mike said:
Ping said:
Me too, is it a pk server?

Its going to be both, the base is the original PI totally rewritten, with a lot of new stuff some never before seen features I will rewrite my original post with features when I am ready for beta.

Sounds good :happy2:
Memory leak+Dupe fixes are widely available, so you never made them.
Summoning is already in PI, just not active.
tsgh mike said:
Jonathan said:
Memory leak+Dupe fixes are widely available, so you never made them.
Summoning is already in PI, just not active.

If you read my second post I said that I had rewritten the original PI base.

No offence, but I doubt you took the original PI base by Sanity and re-wrote it. There's so many bugs and even the most advanced programmers still haven't totally ridden it from bugs.

You will have used a source like ErasedPkz or ElitePvP
Jonathan said:
tsgh mike said:
Jonathan said:
Memory leak+Dupe fixes are widely available, so you never made them.
Summoning is already in PI, just not active.

If you read my second post I said that I had rewritten the original PI base.

No offence, but I doubt you took the original PI base by Sanity and re-wrote it. There's so many bugs and even the most advanced programmers still haven't totally ridden it from bugs.

You will have used a source like ErasedPkz or ElitePvP

Apparently you don't know me, I have had the second 508 programmed mostly from scratch, and I have also made a 523 completely from scratch Elite and Mike both know me as a Java guru as well as most of the rsps community.