My New Zerker. [Progress]


Onyx user!
- anX's Zerker -​

This will be updated every 3-5 days, so keep looking in!
• Stats at the moment

-- >

• Stats that I'd like.

70 Attack
99 Strength
45 Defence - DONE
80 Ranged
52 Prayer
94+ Magic

If anyone would like to donate / support / add me, The username is
I anX I​
Nice bro! I'm very interested to see your future updates.
Good luck.
Assassin said:
Nice You Have Donne Quests For Def Becuse Peopel Forget That So I Hope You Dont
Nope, it's f2p atm, but MM doesnt give def, unless you complete, i think i'm ok.
Now, you should do Animal Magnetism, Hero's Quest, Dragon Slayer, Horror From the Deep, Nature Spirit, and Freminik Trials (start Isles for access to yaks later). This will give you access to Ava's Accumulator, Rune Platebody, Dragon Batleaxe, Dragon Mace, Zamorak Book, and 42 Defence to wear Void Knight.
Ya your kind of supposed to quest all the defence, doing important quests like heros, requirements for RFD. etc.