My old AIM I used back in the day got either stolen/jacked from me or I forgot the password and e-mail, which is highly unlikely.
I found out a day ago, I do not know why I didn't warn you guys any sooner, but I got told to go on AIM and I tried.
I remember about a week ago I was on it, so it must have gotten jacked very recently.
I think I was talking to @Lyrics on AIM, @Lyrics if you could, could you try and figure out who it is?
My aim that got jacked: sin.exe and my old one is now jacked too, synfk, so I do not know whats going on atm.
I found out a day ago, I do not know why I didn't warn you guys any sooner, but I got told to go on AIM and I tried.
I remember about a week ago I was on it, so it must have gotten jacked very recently.
I think I was talking to @Lyrics on AIM, @Lyrics if you could, could you try and figure out who it is?
My aim that got jacked: sin.exe and my old one is now jacked too, synfk, so I do not know whats going on atm.