My Problem With Modern Feminism


Power member.
I think my biggest disdain for modern feminism is that they turn people issues into women issues. It's a little well-known fact that men are raped more than women in America. Ever hear of prison rape, you ignorant faggot? Rape is flaunted as perhaps the most significant female issue there is in America, yet it happens to men more often and practically no one knows this. What is this to say of modern feminism? I think it talks a lot.

I've never encountered a feminist who could tell me a single male issue. In fact, I've been told by multiple feminists that males are incapable of having social issues because of the patriarchy. Like what patriarchy, bitch? I mean, what type of patriarchy allows a woman to take the highest office possible in the country? There's not a single right a man has that a woman doesn't. You can't name one. And like clockwork they'll go to the equal pay gap. Guess what, bitch? It's been illegal to pay women less than men for the same work since 1963 thanks to the Equal Pay Act, you stupid cunt. Women do earn less in comparison to men, yes, but men work more, work in different paying careers, and don't get pregnant, you fucking faggot.

Ever heard of the sentencing gap? Where men serve 40% longer sentences than women for the same crime? Of course you haven't. Remember, male issues don't exist. The fact that males have no reproductive rights and are lawfully unprotected from circumcision, and compromise 62% of the homeless, 76% of homicides, 80% of suicides, and win only 16% of child custody battles means shit. An estimated 300,000 male rapes annually occur in American prisons alone, while 250,000 male-female rapes and attempted rapes are reported annually according to a United Nations statistical study that covered OVER 65 COUNTRIES. That doesn't mean anything though, right feminists? 93% of the prison population is male and over 60% percent have no high school education. Not a male issue though, right? Men die six years sooner than women, but who cares. The Social Security System sure doesn't care, because there's no compensation for this disparity. 63% of youth suicides, 90% of homeless and runaway children, 85% of children with behavior disorders, 80% of rapists, 71% of high school dropouts, and 85% of youths in prison come from fatherless homes? Well, obviously. All men are pigs. In the end all these statistics are just gibberish. Males are incapable of having issues, right feminists?

Another observation I've made of the feminist community is that they focus their momentum that could actually make a legitimate difference on the most trivial shit. Like how women are portrayed in VIDEO GAMES and on MAGAZINE COVERS to how far a man CAN SPREAD HIS LEGS and what types of JOKES you can and cannot say. Yet some-fucking-how these fucking stupid internet feminists on Twitter and Tumblr completely ignore real oppression against women in third world countries? You're fucking frauds! Don't tell me you're for equal rights. In China, female babies are killed for traditional purposes yet where's the feminist outrage?! What's that I hear? Is that the feminist outrage? It is! BUT IT'S OVER A NASA SCIENTIST WEARING A FUCKING T-SHIRT WITH SCANTILY CLAD WOMEN ON IT!!! That fucking shirt got international fucking news coverage! Where's the outrage against the laws that prohibit women in Saudi Arabia to show their fucking face in public? Women can be executed for that shit. The women there can't vote! They can't drive! They can't do shit! Where are the hashtag campaigns for that shit, equal rights advocating internet feminists?! Wait! What's that? Is that a reasonable outrage I hear?! NOPE! It's just a bunch of women bitching about how ugly guys cat-call them, but of course it's just flirting if they're hot.

I don't understand why it's not so blatant to everyone that third-wave feminism, modern feminism, internet feminism are all inherently misogynistic. They won't shut up about how helpless and what victims women are, and how weak and inferior to men women are. Like how can you get anymore sexist than that? While I do think sex object is a fair description for any human, the only people I know that are teaching me women are only for sex is feminists. They're the only ones teaching me that I should treat people differently because of their skin color. The only ones telling me unless we start giving oppressed groups special privileges, equality can't be attained; that treating everyone equally isn't the road to equality. Fucking preposterous.

I can't even exhibit these criticisms in a conversation with a feminist without being labeled a misogynist women-hater. It's that toxic. There's issues to both genders, but feminism turns the other way towards men's issues. Don't give me that dictionary definition bullshit either. If that's what a feminist is, then third-wave feminists aren't feminists. I urge you to take a stance with me and raise your middle fingers to any feminist or MRA and tell them they're a stupid faggot. Gender equality isn't going to be achieved by focusing on the issues of solely one gender. 

(If you need any proof of the statistics I listed, just ask for it. Or just Google search it, you lazy faggot.)

I would like to hear your thoughts.


Active Member
"Ever hear of prison rape, you ignorant faggot?"

I love cannibal, it's official. On topic, women complain about every little thing. Just had this argument the other day. Apparently I'm a spoiled brat for helping a friend whenever she had family or financial issues. She called me the spoiled brat, I'm contemplating assault.


Power member.
I usually find no interest in reading most threads on here anymore, but this one caught my attention. Very well written, and I agree! We will never achieve gender equality until both sides of the scale are even; same goes for racism. (irrelevant, but on my mind for some reason).


Active Member
I'd say 95-100% of the time your posts are very educational and well thought out. I totally agree with you as well, Feminism has gone way too far.


Well-Known Member
A-fucking-men. You see, I have many of the same feelings; however, I'm far too busy to type something like this up, or organize my thoughts, at that. Feminism in our age is a joke. It's generally all aimed toward a shit cause, while, like you said, things worth noting are immediately overlooked.

I wish you'd posted this sooner, I would've loved to share this in my English class when we were on the topic. Haha. Perhaps I'll run it by the instructor for future reference, rather than the babbling bullshit that was diacussed, on the topic, if that's not a problem?

*Slow Clap*


Well-Known Member
I don't have a input comment to go towards this but that was a damn good read Cannibals.

I always seem to find myself divulged in your posts, especially the larger debate topics.



Power member.
American modern day feminist just like to complain like 90%nof women


Can you like explain more about:

"Women do earn less in comparison to men, yes, but men work more, work in different paying careers, and don't get pregnant, you fucking faggot."

BTW, if in anyway you could write this with a little bit less insults "faggot, bitch"...etc.

I would like to contact my local news station and to submit this also, I can get this spread over the internet quite well.


My network has over 12 million followers if you'd like to get this some exposure, i'd have to talk to our publishers about it but I can get this viral overnight if you're interested.


Power member.
Jamil said:
Can you like explain more about:

"Women do earn less in comparison to men, yes, but men work more, work in different paying careers, and don't get pregnant, you fucking faggot."

BTW, if in anyway you could write this with a little bit less insults "faggot, bitch"...etc.

I would like to contact my local news station and to submit this also, I can get this spread over the internet quite well.

The statement is pretty straightforward. I don't know what's to be explained furthermore.


Active Member
"Feminists have a bad shadow cast over them because of extremists that blow it out of proportion. We just want to be treated equally to men."
Oh, so you mean you stand for equality?
I can't stand most feminists. Women have worked hard to gain equality, and now some of those extremists are straight up bitches about everything. They look at all men as inferior and disgusting. It pisses me off.


Onyx user!
Jamil said:
Can you like explain more about:

"Women do earn less in comparison to men, yes, but men work more, work in different paying careers, and don't get pregnant, you fucking faggot."

BTW, if in anyway you could write this with a little bit less insults "faggot, bitch"...etc.

I would like to contact my local news station and to submit this also, I can get this spread over the internet quite well.

More time spent working generally means a larger check. When it comes to office work such as a call center, there is no difference in rate of pay. There is a difference in the number of hours spent working. More hours = more money. When it comes to areas of work such as construction, how many women do you generally see? Not too many. Most job sites I've been on will have 10-150+ skilled laborors working, of that number there are very few, if any, women. There's a reason for that though, most women don't want to learn the skills needed for that line of work. They simply aren't interested. From first hand experience, I've only known three women who work in some sort of construction related trade. Two of them were painters and the other is a welder who also paints on the side. That being said, I've never seen a woman work with carpentry(framing), concrete, heavy equipment, utility lines, electricty, insulation, dirt work, lanscaping, etc. That being said, the average rate of pay across the US for entry level constructuon work(unskilled laborors) is around $17/hour(often$25+/hour for skilled labor), generally depending on your experience, work ethic, and how long of a shift you can work on a daily basis. Often you are expected to work for more than 10 hours a day in pretty much all weather while wearing a 20+ lbs. tool belt (mine is a bit obnoxious at 40lbs but I need everything on it and use just about everything daily) for the entirety of your shift. I know a lot of people who hear that and say fuck that right off the bat. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, construction workers make up roughly 1% of the US workforce and tend to make 2.5 times minimum wage with no skills. With numbers like that, it skews statistics. Those are the types of jobs that women are more than welcome to have provided they can do the work but that goes for anyone. Can't do the work, you can't have the job. The USBLS says that there are more women that men with jobs that pay minimum wage. From there, the rest is math.

Random Jr

User is banned.
Woman are strongg (Like me) I feel ashamed of you guys making fun of girls. smh