My rug to crochet!


39 cm x 52 cm

170 Grs wool thick semi sedificada divided into different colors, aluminum needle No. 3 1 / 2.

P. Chain, P. Raso, P. Alto.

Tej. a cad. 4 p. and tej. according graphic why every h. a different color. Tej. 12 reasons in all.
Then, tej. colored black in each st ch. of the previous row 3 p.a. and p. each. of h. tej previous corner. 3 p.a., 1 ch., 3 p.a.
As he weaves the 4th h. be joining the ends of the reasons for each, replacing p. each, for a pb cut into the cad. the other reason. In this way we will have 12 reasons together as pictured.
Now tej. with black all around, 3 h. as follows: in each st ch., the h. Previous 3 p.a. separated by 2 p. each. and on p. each. of h. tej previous corner. P.a. 3, 2 ch., 3 p.a