My second banner


Active Member
Hey, so I tried to make something to, I made a banner for a friend, its about a mmorpg games, feel free to comment :)
In the website its on light background so here it couldn't look so well

As I said, it looks bad here :D
yea right here it couldnt look so well
It is very nice banner. keep up
Who those who want to see how it looks in light back ground you can check it at (not adversiting lol) top left corner
Thanks guys =) BTW Noreturn, what do you mean saying "busy"? :)
Thanks Dawn, and yea that banners need more width, but that joompla template ( I was creating banner for this template) didn't let to make it bigger :/
it`s not bad but it`s hard to read last part "tk"
but it`s ok cuz you use link on banner XD
it`s not bad but it`s hard to read last part \"tk\"
but it`s ok cuz you use link on banner XD


BTW: It's not .tk, its .lt
I think it's really cool, but noreturn is right, there is a lot to focus on, but well done all the same. It does look amazing.