My tag Penance got turboed. So done


Power member.
Fucking done, this was my dream tag. Now it's gone. The guy that goes by the alias huh turboed it, his Main GT is U K, and he also owns hhu. Stupid bastard just give it back
I know who owns hhu but I don't think he would have done that
Hah, I was going to buy this a WAY long time ago. Sorry for your loss OP, it happens to the best of us.
Damn man sorry for your loss looks like a cute tag
Prism told me all if this, I heard the XBL account u k is banned, but not sure
This sucks...

I remember you traded Dependent it for this and now you have nothing? :/

I hope you can manage to get this back some how!
U K was my old tag then it got banned so I gave it away but I gave it to brian/7o on twitter and his main account is J a n so unless he traded it this is who has U K.
Devour said:
Um idc if you think I'm dumb what is penance? I know I've heard it but I have no clue what it means.

We talked about this on Xbox... -__-
Devour said:
Um idc if you think I'm dumb what is penance? I know I've heard it but I have no clue what it means.

It basically is confessing to your sins in the Catholic religion.
Honestly turboing tags is sad. You're too poor to buy a tag so you turbo it and waste someones hard earned money. How sad.