My Top 10 Games From 2007-2011


Onyx user!
Here is my Top 10 Games that i really liked and i added a little review next to them

10. Assassin's Creed
Game is really fun, running around rooftops jumping and owning anyone.
You can go anywhere you want in this game, neither the highest place to the lowest,
You are free to go anywhere you want, the downside is that the game is boring untill its end.

9. Call of duty 4
It was a really fun game which made MW2 A Better game(for those who played AND liked this one) i really enjoyed the game but i really sucked because i was only 12 when i played that game. it was kinda Gears of Warish and was missing lots of colors and made it a really crappy looking game for me.

8. Wolfenstein: Return to Castle
I Never actually played this when it came out, my mom used to play it infront of me and looked scary because i was really a little kid at that time.
after 2-3 years i played it and i just couldent stop playing singleplayer over and over 10 times and the multiplayer was great.
I Loved this game really much.

7. Call of Duty 2
When i played this game a year after it came out i used to play multiplayer really alot and made this game one of my favourite ever childhood game.
and nothing beats raping Nazi's with ye'old Thompson

6. Call of Juarez
This game reminded me of my great great grandfathers painting
no comment, it just felt fun to play.

5. Crysis
This game is really awesome, the visuals never get old, once you get a new graphics card you start up this game with All maxed out and enjoy fisting Koreans.
the story at the few first levels are boring, but after you finish it, you will go high, just like Metro 2033, but a little less.

4. Call of duty Black ops
I Start to hate this game on and on, i play it really alot because Prestigde is my hobby and my goal is to get golden guns. the visuals are shit, i still somehow give it to be 4th place because the story is great.The dedicated servers freedom is locked really hardly.
[For the Ranked ones]

3. Call of duty Modern warefare 2
I Was Anticipating this game since the teaser and since its release, day after day, to see what happened after the events of COD4,
it turned out amazing, the Visuals are really well worked, the FPS Is highly optimized.
the Multiplayer is a bit shit because there is no dedicated servers.
And cheaters are getting more common and common, damn pirates. ::pirate2::

2. Metro 2033
This game is really polished, its Visuals and DirectX11 Effects are really awesome, the story is heart-breaking, Framerate sucks for AMD Cards.
Once you finish this game, you will be high.

1. Minecraft
I Love this game, every 2 weeks an update comes and somthing new gets addded and somthing old gets fixed
The game is really fun and enjoyable, and if you dont like it, you have a problem.
The graphics might suck?
There are texture packs, and there is a mod that adds Ambient Occlousion


Have a nice gaming year with 2011 :)


Power member.
Yer ive played minecraft. TBH its rather adictive but I wouldnt rate it higher that Black Ops or Modern Warfare 2. As soon as Black Ops got fixed I was back on that and havent really wanted to go back to minecraft.

I also prefer MW2 to BO. The maps and gameplay just seem to be better. If I could move one thing from BO to MW2, it would be the dedicated servers.


Active Member
yes i have to agree with bleepy ther the maps in MW 2 were great but i cant wait for crysis 2 caus crysis was good and crysis warhead was to short for me (it took me 1.5 hours to clock it) but i must say that you forgot the halo series witch were awsome well the ones i have played anyway