My UDK Desert Map[Unfinished]


Onyx user!
Heres a New Map i am doing from the things ive learned the past week
First of all, its a Small map
18x18 Patches for Terrain
It has a lot of Flanking Routes and 2 Camping Spots.
Ive added Scorpion Cars, and 2 Gunships.
yes, i added the Folliage like crap, i cant make Folliage myself because im not that much of a artist on that.
And here is the Top, i Painted the Flanking Routes and the Car Tracks 4 u
ther are no pics i think you should upload them to photobucket or similar and use the
i DId the CTF Image Hosting for PRO.
Paste the urls into your browser, if they dont come up then I must have deleted the directory.
I'm getting rid of it tomorrow anyway.
Ive made a new map, its alot more natural and has grass and trees, i will upload it shortly.
lol i dont even know what game its meant for >.< but the wepon on the left loos like somin from ETQW and the 1 on the right looks like the alien pistol out of halo
Its not a game, im just trying to get exp on level design,
its just the default UDK, and the first picture was taken when i was having a mess, lol.
silly me
oh ok it looks like a nice map to have a bit of fun with a few friends but the textur is a bit dark and tbh i dont realy like the sky
Like i said im using stock art work
Thats the problem with using stock textures and art, they never are top quality and often dont seem seemless.

TBH I dont mind the sky, looks kinda cool. Would we epic if you could get some planets in there too to make it look more spacey like.

I went to a University Addmissions day they other day and this guy creates games and he sold an idea for over £2000 which is kinda epic, especially as it only took a day to think of xD
yer you have to know the right ppl to sell ideas to but would be nice lol

yer a few planets might make it look better i supose
j00 seems useless
Unreal engine isnt that good for that kind of stuff, source engine is,
but Source engine is weak and really limited.
im just trying to find the easiest engine and it is barely limited,
And BTW, HD 6870/6950 Unboxing coming soon
Sorry for the bump, but it has been awhile and i have learned alot from UDK, i can add my own art work, [textures, meshes, etc].
I'm starting to learn using animations in UDK now [sliding doors at the moment, lulz].
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