This will add two more options "View New Posts" and "View Today's Posts" in your Forum Jump list.
Open your forumdisplay.php and locate the following code near about line 49 - 51
Now add just after that:
Save your 'forumdisplay.php'.
Now open the template:
Forum Jump Templates > forumjump_advanced
find the line:
Add just after that:
Save the template. You are done. Now you have "View New Posts" and "View Today's Posts" in your Forum Jump Dropdown list.
Credits to : effone (MyBB)
Open your forumdisplay.php and locate the following code near about line 49 - 51
case "-5":
$location = "online.php";
Now add just after that:
case "-6":
$location = "search.php?action=getnew";
case "-7":
$location = "search.php?action=getdaily";
Save your 'forumdisplay.php'.
Now open the template:
Forum Jump Templates > forumjump_advanced
find the line:
<option value="-1">{$lang->forumjump_home}</option>
Add just after that:
<option value="-6">{$lang->welcome_newposts}</option>
<option value="-7">{$lang->welcome_todaysposts}</option>
Save the template. You are done. Now you have "View New Posts" and "View Today's Posts" in your Forum Jump Dropdown list.
Credits to : effone (MyBB)