MyBB Installation Tutorial


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So today we are going to be doing a full MyBB installation.
The version we will be installing is MyBB 1.6.15.
So first of all you'll need the MyBB Files, download them here - DOWNLOAD
Once you have those you'll need a hosting, I'll be using 000WebHost since this is a tutorial - 000WebHost


Step 1

Sign up at 000WebHost and then click to add a new website and do as I have done below.

Then click to create the account.
Keep refreshing till the account is made, it only takes a few seconds.

Step 2

So now you have the MyBB files and now you have hosting so lets jump forward and locate MySQL
Once you have found that quickly make the database.

Step 3

Locate File Manager and enter it, then locate public_html and enter there.
Once in click to upload files.

Upload the .zip file you have downloaded with MyBB and then extract it.


Go back to the public_html and find the Upload folder.

Select all the files in the Upload folder then click "Move".
You now want to remove the highlighted part shown below and click the Tick.

Step 4

Now the installation begins!
Go to your domain and it'll show the following.

Go to domain/install

Step 5

You will now see this appear, if it shows up your doing well!

Follow the onscreen instructions till you hit Database Configuration

Remember the Database you made? Now it goes into action!
So go gather those details if you didn't already have copied them down.
Fill it in nice and simple.

Step 6

Once you do the rest of the Database follow on with the set-up till you hit Board Configuration

Change the "Forum Name", "Website Name" and "Contact Email".

Step 7

Now create your Admin account and your basically done.

Step 8

Finish the Set-Up and your done!

Once it's done visit your forum and it should look like this: PREVIEW
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