Weather Gods:
Nowadays climate changes are taking place in the world. Weather Gods are responsible for this change. They are immortal. Please refer my write-up on God layers. There are Astro-Stars (as per astrology) and weather Gods and Gods like Jesus, Khuda, 330000000 Hindu Gods, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi(Zoroastrian), Jewish gods etc. I am not sure about the hierarchy of these Gods or Stars but I am sure of Star-wars.
A few years back we heard about "Global warming". This is also happening due to weather Gods.
Even Sun, air, rain are controlled by weather Gods. According Hinduism, Weather Gods or other Gods are pleased if yagna(a ritual of fire) is performed.
They reside in the sky or space not in the temples, churches etc. and are immortal.
For instance, Mumbai has a pleasant weather but recently it has become like a furnace. As per statistics, in the last 55 years it never happened. I was at Delhi for some years and Delhi also has a furnace-like weather. I feel wherever I go weather Gods are also following me because I am in Mumbai and it also has become like Delhi. Rain or sunlight are also controlled by these Gods.
So Climate changes are due to weather Gods. These weather gods are immortal and changing weather since B.C.