Naruto Vs. Bleach


Power member.
Which one do you think is more interesting?

I prefer Naruto because I've probably watched it since I was about 9, I have recently started Bleach it seems alright but can't compare to Naruto.
In my personal opinion i think naruto.
I prefer Naruto. I have been watching it since I was a little kid. I tried to get into Bleach but it was just boring for me.
Jman said:
I prefer Naruto. I have been watching it since I was a little kid. I tried to get into Bleach but it was just boring for me.
Bleach is pretty good like if you go to like a good fighting scene you'll probably like it.
I used to love bleach like crazy and couldnt wait for new episodes, but I gradually forgot about it and cant get back into it. Naruto however I still am just as excited to see the newer episodes, so im gonna say naruto but both are great
Bleach by far, i mean naruto is good its just it takes far too long to get to the point, i takes like 10 eps for a fight.
i like bleach very much but tbh Naruto is so much better the story line is alot more interesting than bleach
Naruto FTW. I don't really like Bleach too much.
No matter what I will always love bleach
lunatiko said:
naruto is the best one i think i wrong?

Yes and speaking of that new episode tomorrow.
I prefer Bleach, but that's only because that's the only one that I've actually read/watched. And even then I never got too into it.