Need $1.35

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Active Member
Wanna try out aimjunkies for a but i'm $1.35 short on PayPal

Can anyone help me out? PM me if you want me to do a task for you.
Weed said:
Wanna try out aimjunkies for a but i'm $1.35 short on PayPal

Can anyone help me out? PM me if you want me to do a task for you.
I can do this, PM me your paypal =]

EDIT: sent it, can't PM you though as I have less than 10 posts at the moment xD
ZillaBoom said:
I can do this, PM me your paypal =]

EDIT: sent it, can't PM you though as I have less than 10 posts at the moment xD

EDIT: Got it thanks a ton man!
Weed said:
Haven't got it yet man..... :/

You sure you sent it to the right email?
Sent it now, forgot to press confirm on the 2nd page xD

EDIT: Just noticed you got it xD sent it you a 2nd time lol, you can keep both
You realise aimjunkies still gets you vac'd on Source right

cheating is for shit retards

owait that's you
Package said:
You realise aimjunkies still gets you vac'd on Source right

cheating is for shit retards

owait that's you

Obviously not using it for Source

I am actually MG1 so I guess I am pretty shit, but i'm using it on an alt to boost my friend from GN

Have a good day.
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