Need 80+ dung for glitch testing


Onyx user!
Not sure if the right section, but found the leaked guide and want so see if it works and maybe little dungeoneering with someone? :p PM me rsn and I will be in touch :p
Good luck getting banned :D
Were people banned for the first one? Not long ago?
Well, I haven't seen anyone so far who got banned, and people say that this is pretty safe, but all glitches have a chance of ban.
People are spreading rumors it was fixed... However there is a little update to it I personally know one and Iam going to get 1-85 dung tomorrow I will post my progress.
Beau said:
People are spreading rumors it was fixed... However there is a little update to it I personally know one and Iam going to get 1-85 dung tomorrow I will post my progress.

Yup, I think we are talking about the same thing :p
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT if this wroks and i don't get ban..i'ma jizz my pants..legit.
Of course, add me on msn? pm if you want it
It got patched just a little time ago, almost immediately after it got leaked. Didn't get a chance to abuse :(