Need a price check on this GT

Definition-Definition for skelani:
Web definitions:
Skelani (in Serbian Cyrillic: Скелани) is a village in the municipality of Srebrenica, in the Republika Srpska entity of Bosnia...
So technically it is a well known village in bosnia with a population off 1000+ peoples

How much could I get this has stats as well so yeah.
The tag itself isn't worth much, but what are the stats?
Actually it is worth some money well known place are not cheap and it has 3200 Msp MW2-10th 70
MW3-80 with a prestige token and 3 gold guns W@W-9th prestige COD4-10th Everything
I would say 40-60$ based on the stats and the tag. Depending on the tenure the price will reach 60-80$
I'd say around $40 - $50 , good luck selling this.
Stoned said:
Kill you troll to much let me report the post.

Not trolling just an opinion. Your so obtuse man just chill out I wasnt trolling I just know that I would only buy it for the stats wich are nice don't get me wrong but the tag isn't that good and you're the one who messaged me saying my tags were shit and said my PSN IDs suck which I don't have so idk if you have like some problem with me but you don't have to complain about it. Just calm down. And this completely comes to no offense to you at all just expressing myself.