Need A Scammer's gamertag Jacked!

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Someone scammed me through paypal & im pissed off, i know a few people can jack on this site and i'll pay $$ for his tag, His gamertag is "Nutella"

Hmu for more info on aim : Aim gawley

I know some of his personal information might be easier to jack him, thanks

EDIT: If someone can Dox him it will be way easier to jack his tag! Aim me!
im telling you, make a scam report.
Good luck with this man, I don't know many people that can "jack" gamertags.

Did he scam you off of Eli? cause i noticed it was changed:/
Yo you need to reply back, i messaged you.
I would help if I could, but i'm not advanced enough in jacking yet.
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