Hey Fk,
Backstory: Well today I came to a realization that my parents and I aren't good with money. My parents have amazing jobs but we spend the money in the wrong places and basically live paycheck to paycheck. We are in a good amount of debt and I want to give something back to them. I've wrote down how much we were in and promised to myself, my first paycheck will be going to them. I wan't to pay my parents back, for everything.
Backstory: Well today I came to a realization that my parents and I aren't good with money. My parents have amazing jobs but we spend the money in the wrong places and basically live paycheck to paycheck. We are in a good amount of debt and I want to give something back to them. I've wrote down how much we were in and promised to myself, my first paycheck will be going to them. I wan't to pay my parents back, for everything.
Well basically. The only career I would like to pursue in involves music. I basically want to be a rapper. I know I can do it with hardwork. I don't want to be a doctor. To me I want a job I won't hate and going 4 years in school to be a doctor just doesn't seem to be me. As my GPA doesn't worry me, although I am fixing my education, I want to do something I'd like. I know I can get big with some hard work. I freestyle to my friends and the are always amazed and tell me to make a mixtape. But I need some help from you guys. I need a alias. My all-time favorite alias is Logic. Which is obviously taken. Can someone help me? After I get some, i'll be putting up a poll for anyone interested to vote if I can't choose one.