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Dawn of War

User is banned.
Basically what I'm aiming for is a program that will be used to get youtube views, heres my idea--

A person will enter in ONE link (only 1 per IP) and leave the program open and the program will automatically click other peoples links as other people click your link, do You kind of understand what I'm saying? If so, I'd really appreciate it if someone could code that for me as I'm a noob with VB.Net, and Thanks in advance

If I am to make any profit on this program, the person who makes it will get 40% of all the profit made on it...


If I am to make any profit on this program, the person who makes it will get 40% of all the profit made on it...

Giving only 40% to the programmer is pretty greedy, considering he's doing all the hard work and you're getting the bigger share just for posting the download link on some forums.

Dawn of War

User is banned.
well if i was to earn profit off of it i would have to pay for advertising AND hosting the website for it AND pay the coder to make updates -.-
Doesn't make any sense to make a program to do that, and NO one will buy it because there is a way you can do it for free.


yes, but thats the way that nakes the video get stuck at 300

You could probably turn that simple concept into a full web application, where users submit their youtube links which get saved into the database, then their link gets sent to a "viewer" at random.

"Viewers" would be other users who are in "viewing mode".
"Viewing mode" basically just keeps feeding the user youtube videos from the database every few seconds (or after the video has fully loaded and the view has been counted).

Having it as a web application would make it easier for people to contribute, since they just need to create an account and start "viewing".

You could also increase the chances of their video getting sent to a viewer, judging by how many videos they've seen while in "viewing mode".
Meaning that if you submit a video and haven't spent much time in "viewing mode", your video won't get shown as much as if you've viewed 100 videos.

Also, giving money to "viewers" would be a pretty good incentive for people to go into "viewing mode" more often, the money to pay them could be made from adverts that are displayed on the viewing page.

I'm not sure if I'm making any sense.

Dawn of War

User is banned.
if i had the slightest bit of knowledge on how to create something like that i would...

Yes indeed that is a genius idea. I could probably make about 50% of that in html and PHP. But I'd most likely get stuck somewhere...