I would like to give back to FK, i decided i would make a program. I thought about a turbo program but i dont want to encourage that. So if you guys have any reasonable requests for programs let me know below.
Cabbage said:Make a twitter bot that ACTUALLY works. Like, you enter a list of twitter accounts, and then it follows you.
Make a program similar to Chronos'es that shows how many 3 character combinations out of all possible (000 to z99) for any website.
What websites did you have in mind?
Hook3r said:There were few good ideas here i think i will do something GT related seeing as how thats the primary focus of this website.
imRsrv said:I still think you should make a program where you can see how many screen-names or usernames are available in a category for a website. Like you should make it so out of 000-Z99 are available for twitters, emails, aims, etc.
Kev said:I think a gamertag checker would be nice. It'd be even nicer if it would be possible to load a text file with gamertags to check.
DeMoNiC said:Id like to be entered in this competition, thanks!