Need Sponsor for xbox one tourneys / Wagers {Make tons of money}


Onyx user!
As you can tell from the title. I'm needing a sponsor for xbox one tourneys and wagers. No, i will not come to you for EVERYTHING. Just if i need some extra money.

As you can see here I have made $640 In about a month. As I have a life and do not play xbox all day. This is mostly from wagers. I don't play in that many tournaments. But if you would like for me too, i will.

How we will deal is, 70/30 So your getting just under 50% of the earnings. Considering I have to play to get all of them. I'm pretty known in the community and could win about $100 a day if I tried.

If your Interested in sponsoring me, contact me on skype : MLGSAMS or PM me on site. Only contact me if you are serious about this, as i do not want to waste my time. And if you want to also play with me some days you can.
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