Need to BORROW and Auth


Onyx user!
I need to borrow a barbarian assault auth for a few days. Just long enough for me to get a torso, botting about 10 hours a day.

This auth is what I am talking about:

Can anyone loan it to me? Once I get a torso I will remove it from my auth list, and never use it again. I really need this ASAP.
I know Fusion and All Day Win have them
It'll get you torso in like 4 - 5 hours.
eXero said:
Oh yeah Ruskie you have one, can I borrow it?

I would lend you mine, but unfortunately it was not purchased with my email so I have no way of getting a reissue. Considering how easily auths are banned nowadays, I'd rather not take the risk. Sorry :cry:!
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