Need Username for HF


Power member.
I just upgraded on HF and I have a shitty username. I need some suggestions. Preferably non-taken ones.

Please leave a bunch below.

how about "Vagician". Unlike a Magician who does Magic, you are a Vagician who does Vagic.
Who the fuck moved this to spamming and trolling? Wtf
Beats said:
Who the fuck moved this to spamming and trolling? Wtf

Lmao, I was wondering why it was here.

If you haven't decided, make it 'Morgan Freeman' or something with music.
That is actually a great idea. I changed it to #Beats but I would like Morgan Freeman.
You could have done "Beats", but with some sweet, character substitutes (like McLovin's).
Not sure why this would be moved to spamming and trolling, but I think you should make it Beats Off.
@Astronaut I did that but then I didn't remember the character. I copied it off of a user on HF and I forgot to save it.

@Color You are one funny motherfucker.
How about the username Beast . May be taken I'm unsure.
I believe it is taken. I tried it already.
I 630

I heard that is a cool username.
Noscope said:
I just made mine that, he can't have it.
Bummer, I got no results.

I am done with this trolling section.

You could change it to "Mr. Veteran", LOL.
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