I'm fairly sure you've all heard of NeoBux, it's one of the most reliable and trusted PTC's around, serving ads for many years. Recently the rates per ad have gone down, and I very rarely see an ad for $0.01, where as I used to always get at least 4 $0.01 advertisements.
Rates vary from $0.001 to $0.01 depending on the advertisement and also your membership type (Standard or Golden).
If you haven't already joined, you can do so below, it's my referral link but it won't do you any harm to use it.
I'm fairly sure you've all heard of NeoBux, it's one of the most reliable and trusted PTC's around, serving ads for many years. Recently the rates per ad have gone down, and I very rarely see an ad for $0.01, where as I used to always get at least 4 $0.01 advertisements.
Rates vary from $0.001 to $0.01 depending on the advertisement and also your membership type (Standard or Golden).
If you haven't already joined, you can do so below, it's my referral link but it won't do you any harm to use it.