Never write another essay, but always get an Unplagiarized A+


Are you tired of writing essays?

Writing an essay takes hours to research, hours to write out, and then more time wasted making sure you did it correctly. However, with this guide, you will never need to do this again.

This guide will show you how to get an unplagiarized A+ on every essay you turn in from this point forward! A well written guide, easy to follow, and no requirements to use it, you will go from painful just passes to A+’s in no time.

The best bit? Each A+ essay you write following this guide will not only get you top marks, but TAKE UNDER A HOUR TO WRITE.

Price: $10

If you have any questions, please post them below. If you wish to purchase the guide, click the button above (After paying, you will be linked directly to the guide download). Please post below after purchasing so that I can keep a log of sales .


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This E-Book is a High Quality E-Book. The method used is slightly known but cannot be saturated, and is not used often currently. It gives you a legitimate method on how to find essays and transform them into original Essays. I cannot see this method getting the user an A+ everytime but you will probably get a B- or higher. This method requires the help of numerous websites as tools to help finish your essay. Although the E-Book covers the majority of topics not all Essay topics will be covered. I suggest using this E-Book when you get to choose the topic as apposed to having one assigned to you. Most essays will take 20-60 minutes to complete with this method.



The layout of this E-Book is extremely good. It uses multiple colors that makes the text more legible as well as colored headers. It follows a story outline which makes it easy to follow as well. There is no table of contents but the story outline makes up for this. There is a huge watermark on everypage which makes it annoying to read, and accounts for the biggest contribution to the low rating.


The Grammar in this book is nearly flawless. As it should be considering it is an E-Book on how to write Essay's. There are little to no typos and the sentence fluency is extremely good. There will be no language barriers between the reader and this E-Book.


Although the tools in this method are not original and highly saturated the comination of numerous tools makes the method original. It is slightly known but not many people use it. This method uses numerous free websites to aid and complete your essay, making it lack in originality. Also the guide does not belong to the seller, and has a huge watermark on each page, deducting serious originality points. Although the method itself is original

Average Rating: 7/10

This method does not belong to the seller, but it is original and a working method. This method cannot be saturated and is only slightly known. This method will not always get you an A+ and it depends on what teacher you have. Each essay will take you approximately 20-60 minutes to complete. This method works best when you can choose your own topic to write on but it can work for assigned topics. Good luck with sales!



Quad said:
I hope you have resale right if this is the e-book from HF. On that note would you be willing to give out a vouch copy? I will write an extremely detailed review of your product if you do.

This guide is from HF, but the rights to the guide were purchased. I will consider giving out a vouch copy, but for now I'm just going to answer some basic questions about the guide that do not give away the method. It is still for sale, I just ask that you post below or pm me so I know who is purchasing it.


Still waiting on the vouch. After I PM'd him about it he said wait until Sunday. It's now Monday and I've failed to receive a response.


User is banned.
The review has been completed sorry for the delay there was a death in the family and I want to make sure I did a quality job as well.


This guide is still for sale, please post below after you have purchased it.