New Account


Onyx user!
I started a new account, and am wondering what I should do with it.

Any idea what stats I should train and ways to make money?
Make a staker, and make max cash stacks .
Starter taker would be 70 hp 40 defence 5 attack 10 strength

and I would just purchase 10m for like 5$ and stake.
Staker or slave botter for cash for your main.

If you want to make it mems, pins cost 12m-ish, so as long as it makes more than that per month (which it will) that's a decent way to go.

Got a friend who has 2 accounts botting gold ores at LRC and his main bots smithing. So the 2 miners supply his main. Meaning he can get 99 smith for free, well at a profit, he'll make the bars into duel rings and sell those, so its profitable smithing + crafting, 2 skills which are usually hefty money sinks.
Soulwars or pestcontrol.
Definitely go with a staker. But I would advise botting unless you want to lose your sanity
This is going to be my new main account, and I don't want to bot it. I am asking for ways to make money and what I should train on for this account.
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