New App for OGs - TAKE THEM NOW!

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Power member.
Yeah guis so I found a new site for OGs.

Click Here

Good luck finding some sick ass OGs!
MCG said:
I just registered BeatsIsGayFoMakingMeClickDat

How OG.

Starting bid is 1million pesos.

Sorry I don't have 1 million pesos. But fuck I really want that OG.
Thanks for this Beats. I just registered over 150 Semi OGs. I'm going to make so much money!
Mischief said:
Lol this is funny, good suggestion for the homesexual members

Homosexual members = most members
Beats said:
Homosexual members = most members

Not cool bro inferring that most members preference is homosexual is fucked up. Why dont you add a survey so you can find out peoples sexual prefrence before you go ahead and make assumptions this is just wrong
(im kidding )
Hahahahaha omg I thought this was gunna be something like else but it's the homosexual thing haha
Mischief said:
Not cool bro inferring that most members preference is homosexual is fucked up. Why dont you add a survey so you can find out peoples sexual prefrence before you go ahead and make assumptions this is just wrong
(im kidding )

That is a great idea to be honest. I might just find a "Are you gay" survey.
I'm not clicking that I'm at school and the comment mention homosexuals.
I was signed up for this mad long ago. HMU my username is Meat
Poop said:
I was signed up for this mad long ago. HMU my username is Meat

LOL I get that. That's actually very funny.
Pick said:
where & how did you find this app exactly ?

It's on the top charts for Social Media on the App Store.
haha this is pretty funny. The funny thing is people would waste their time making 600 accounts and then selling them.
Dude thank you very much, I have the OG name "PubicHairs" hit me up, looking for at least 200k.
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