New award ideas.


Onyx user!
1. Irony
(thumbnail of an iron, or an iron bar)
For ironic people..
Maybe this for thumbnail (has to be about 10x smaller)

2. Dead
Allegedly died at least once on the forums
again, pic must be shunken.

3. Leech
Leeches everything and all things.

4. King of off-topic
For the one and only most off-topic person evar.
I like these, Deathwish. I guess I now qualify for the second one? =p
Skateboarding award. - Timestamp pic of your board + yt clip
Five Star Post award. - Five star post champ, so much so it deserves a award.
Immortal award. - Survive 7+ Permanent bans
He died too. It's a trend now. There's going to be a time where they're gonna think Glen's dead and we're all gonna have mixed emotions.
The last one is amazingly unique, but it shouldn't be added, a lot of people would need to have it and I don't think staff will have the time to give it to all the leechers that camp in the Dump section.
It's getting much better now, possibly because of the lack of dumps.

4. King of off-topic
For the one and only most off-topic person evar.
The leechers would be everyone that doesnt even post so we wouldnt see it anyway lol.
yes please, i like those, there are loads that could be added, idk if they will but getting awards is pretty cool so there should be loaaaaddssssss
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