Call of Duty New Camos in CoD Ghosts!

New camos have been leaked! These camos are already programmed onto the disk and are only waiting to be anounced! Some of these new camos include a shattered glass theme, MARIJUANA, bling, and more!
Mate, Correct me if I'm wrong but these camos have been out for a while, only employees of Gamestop were able to get them. Heard it on Drift0rs channel a while ago.
Lake said:
Mate, Correct me if I'm wrong but these camos have been out for a while, only employees of Gamestop were able to get them. Heard it on Drift0rs channel a while ago.

This is true, I have known this; however, I did mention that they are already on the disk of the game.
savagekitten949 said:
This is true, I have known this; however, I did mention that they are already on the disk of the game.

Oh alright didn't really read that part, Makes sense now.
Cocaine said:
I want all of these, give them to me.

I cant get them for you currently kudus, but you may be able to get them sometime in the future. I'll PM when there I possibly get the codes

savagekitten949 said:
I cant get them for you currently kudus, but you may be able to get them sometime in the future. I'll PM when there I possibly get the codes

I dont know why I said kudus sorry for that
Lake said:
Mate, Correct me if I'm wrong but these camos have been out for a while, only employees of Gamestop were able to get them. Heard it on Drift0rs channel a while ago.

Im almost positive thats not true.

I dont think they will be added in the game. They just recently took them out for all the people that had them. @op
These camos were in the game from Mods. Spectrum was only available for employees and for people that did the glitch.
@Lake is right with what he said. Do you know the release date though? I can't fucking wait.
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