New Google Ad Click Exchange group


Hello guys and girls of XeroStorm, For the past few days i have been doing click exchanges with other exchange groups and have made a reasonable amount of money, about £5 per 10(ish) ad clicks.

Now thats pretty easy when you come to think of it...

I am going to create or start my own Ad exchange program with palringo.

To join please fill out the following form and post it here so i can invite you:

Palringo username:
Current location:
Active hours you wish to put into group if needed:

Now i know this is new so i don't have any members yet but once i get 5 people submit their reply form that's and easy £2.50 revenue you have...

once i accept your form (within the same day of submission) i will pm you the group name.

Download palringo here:
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