New Method On How to Swap Tags With Different Region MSP


Active Member
Hello FK, I am bringing a free method to you today! I have just figured out a way to swap a tag with different MSP code. What i mean is, if you have an EU account and you want to swap it, but u can't get EU MSP, you can go to this website

You can buy MSP point cards there, and its acually $2.50 cheaper if you buy an 800 code there instead of other websites like The thing is, you will get 5x 160 MSP codes. This isn't a really big deal, and you get this for ONLY $7.50. You can pay with PayPal, so it makes it easier to pay You also will get the codes within an hour via email. The more MSP you buy, the cheaper it is. 1600 MSP = $15 2400 MSP = $22 4000 MSP = $37.00 8000 MSP = $75

The reason the MSP is region unrestricted is because the 160 point codes work for ever single region such as JAPAN, US, or EU.
If you would like to buy some MSP now, click the link below. There are no surveys of any kind.

If this method helped you out or you appreciated it, please just tell me below

~ Dura
or you can use my MSP swapping method. Which i sell for 20$ a piece
Quad said:
or you can use my MSP swapping method. Which i sell for 20$ a piece

too expensive
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