Hey guys. So for awhile now i have really been wanting to change my name to Creed. I loved the name Bowser so fucking much, But i just wanted a change. Im not sure if this is going to be my permanent name or not. In the future i may want to go back to Bowser. ( thats if no one takes it. )
Just thought i should make a quick update thread. If you have any questions on why i changed my name i can give you more detail etc.
maybe in the future guys!! i just really like the name Ares.
Edit: I just out grew the name Bowser. I love Bowser himself as a character etc. But im starting to find being called Bowser and shit childish. I dont give a fuck. im still getting a Bowser Tat on my chest when im 18. (;
ill probably go through some more name changes until i find what i really like.