New Userbars

I think they'd look better longer but I like the design
Looks like bad graphics, previous one was spot on.
You guys seem a little sketchy on the current userbars soo..
I made about 10 other userbars for this forum to use, but I think this is one of the best and may perhaps be more to everyones liking.
What do you all think?
Storm said:
You guys seem a little sketchy on the current userbars soo..
I made about 10 other userbars for this forum to use, but I think this is one of the best and may perhaps be more to everyones liking.
What do you all think?

I really like it but it could use some colour under the text
You know what's funny? I've tried to make like 10 sets of userbars for RG and then TE uses these shit ones. Yes he doesn't have to like them but..

Ooo could I have a look?
If I did I wouldn't have asked.
I have a feeling the new user bars will be used to adapt to our new theme that's coming. That's just what I think.
CrystuL said:
I have a feeling the new user bars will be used to adapt to our new theme that's coming. That's just what I think.

I was thinking that too.
They look a bit small. Make them longer and they will look perfect, as said the design is amazing =]
CrystuL said:
I have a feeling the new user bars will be used to adapt to our new theme that's coming. That's just what I think.
I've seen the new theme. Trust me, it's going to be a massive change. I also can't quite see these userbars fitting in with it. Just wait.


IMO, these userbars need to have more width at least, that would make them look a lot better.
I like them.. but they are a bit too modern/techy for this new style
Crayo said:
Not a fan of those either, previous ones were fine.

Thank you :3
The Elite said:
Are you guys beserk? These userbars are epic.
Calling you out on this, you only choose what YOU yourself like, not what the community prefers as a userbar.

Famous™ said:
Looks like bad graphics, previous one was spot on.

:3, you make me smile sometimes.

Truth in this tbh, but they're okay. Older ones were waay better.
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