New YouTube Video!


Active Member
I've uploaded a new YouTube video, although it is just the same EP I uploaded to Soundcloud and promoted here.
I need some help to get my YouTube off the ground so I'm asking you guys for help.

If you like what you see/hear, please share my channel and help me get out there. I have plenty of stuff in the works for my channel but starting up is hard.

Anyway, here is my first upload! I hope you enjoy :)

EDIT: Video tags aren't working, please visit the link. Sorry for any inconvenience.
EDIT (Again): For some reason just typing the link allows it to be viewed, strange.​

Videos Coming Soon:

  • How To: Install Custom Visual Style (Windows 7)
  • Various CoD Edits
  • Speed Arts
  • Various Tech Videos
Please fix video OP.

I can't wait to see what else comes from your channel. From what you have planned, it looks like your channel may have some success. Good luck!
Yeah it doesn't pull up the video. It's been messed up. Just link it.
Smh, this nigga doesn't know how to use videotags...
Krish said:
Smh, this nigga doesn't know how to use videotags...

Please explain to me what about this is incorrect, thanks.

@ramen @exodia @worry
Sorry about that, the video tags aren't working.
Link has been added which for some reason implemented the embed, so it's updated now.
Nigga what's your yt. wanna watch these cod kid edits. 