nice snapchat

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Active Member
I need money for a purchase, so this is going.

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]arrest[/font]

BIN: $45
RE: Two nice snapchats

SN Shop said:
I will bid $40 paypal on real bro
Yeah I'm not even noting your lowball of an offer.
RE: Two nice snapchats

I obviously know that was low, I was just starting the bidding before some idiot bid $5.
Sorry but I have no interest in your username now, I was most likely going to buy this if you had a bin of $250 or lower, thanks for being rude.
RE: Two nice snapchats

If I had money these would be 2 snaps I would go right for. I have wanted a snap for a whIle idk why.
RE: Two nice snapchats

SN Shop said:
I obviously know that was low, I was just starting the bidding before some idiot bid $5.

Sorry but I have no interest in your username now, I was most likely going to buy this if you had a bid of $250 or lower, thanks for being rude.
Dicked him with this post lolol. 

On topic: GLWS op, these are pretty decent.
RE: Two nice snapchats

SN Shop said:
I obviously know that was low, I was just starting the bidding before some idiot bid $5.
Sorry but I have no interest in your username now, I was most likely going to buy this if you had a bin of $250 or lower, thanks for being rude.

I can negotiate on the BIN.
Worry said:
If I had money these would be 2 snaps I would go right for. I have wanted a snap for a whIle idk why.

Thanks for your kind words.
Still selling this snapchat, want to sell today. Thanks.
Louis Vuitton said:
Did you sell the other Snapchat?

No, but I have no intentions on selling it anymore.
Someone buy this from him! He's legit af and it's an inanely good deal!
kyle said:
@gunnar tbt when this was your alias

this is a nice sc Package, good luck with sales.
i almost bought this when @keep had it
i like it but don't really need iyt
really want this
doubt youd take a GIF award ownership in exchange for this
illusion said:
really want this
doubt youd take a GIF award ownership in exchange for this

Does that include the transfer fee?
Would you do that if i payed transfer fee?
illusion said:
Would you do that if i payed transfer fee?

It is something I will consider.

This is still for sale.
Still got this SC for sale folks.
This is still for sale - looking to sell soon.
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