November Gamertag Sale... [MEGA THREAD!]

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Philly said:
I am pretty sure I have both. I will have to check. But, Before I do are you for sure interested. I don't wanna waste my time if not. I am going to take a shower, And ill be back on. 30 mins tops.

Yes I will definitely buy if they're available. And sorry only just read this, was sleeping. I'm GMT.
Phantom said:
Yes I will definitely buy if they're available. And sorry only just read this, was sleeping. I'm GMT.

I will check as soon as I get off work. I am just heading out. I should get off way early today. Like in 2 hours max.
Philly said:
I will check as soon as I get off work. I am just heading out. I should get off way early today. Like in 2 hours max.

Alright sounds cool.
Alright I just checked, And I have propane tank still. But I don't have plunker. Hmu..
Hey philly! I've been looking around forever for a OG gamertag and im really interested in Circuitry. Anychance its still available?
lol i bought circuitry from philly long agooo
I don't use it so ill sell it to u but it has 11 months of live on it...
add me on aim or pm me
Cjramsey05 said:
Hey philly! I've been looking around forever for a OG gamertag and im really interested in Circuitry. Anychance its still available?

I don't I sold it. I have everything else that's listed as of right now though. Hmu if if interested in any others.
Would you like a Runescape account or gp for 4 Gamertags.
Runescape have AGS and it a 102
Im Tony lol said:
Would you like a Runescape account or gp for 4 Gamertags.
Runescape have AGS and it a 102

Not a rs account. But I will take rsgp at .50/m
Im Tony lol said:
1 Gamertag for AGS or 40m

I want "Ownerships"

I don't know what ags is but 40m will work. Do you have aim or msn, As I can can get on one of those to make the deal easier.
Are you still selling the gamertag Borrowed?

EDIT: I was wondering if your willing to trade gamertags, if not I can pay through paypal. Reserve the gamertag Borrowed for me please.
Never mind man, I just checked and ownerships is sold. Interested in any other tags listed?
Philly you didn't answer my question, is Borrowed still up for sale? I'm interested in buying it.
No its not it was sold like a year ago. I don't know why it was still listed. Are you interested in any others?
I'm not interested in any of these gamertags at the moment, but do you have any more you would like to sell?
Yawndy said:
I'm not interested in any of these gamertags at the moment, but do you have any more you would like to sell?

These are all I have. Besides my main account which I won't sell. I also do actually have one more I keep forgetting to list. Its "Variables".
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