November Gamertag Sale... [MEGA THREAD!]

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Hey Philly, tried to PM you but I'm brand new and I don't have the initial first 10 posts is Tweeting still available? Also wondered if trading would be an option, I understand you need the money but I don't see the point in $5 lol let me know man.
Oh i see.

- Uzi/RykuObj
Just wondering, how much did the tag Pus sell for?
Genepool said:
Hey Philly, tried to PM you but I'm brand new and I don't have the initial first 10 posts is Tweeting still available? Also wondered if trading would be an option, I understand you need the money but I don't see the point in $5 lol let me know man.

Its still available, And Sorry I need all the cash I can get right now. I am pretty short this month. Let me know if you would like it.

StateOfWar said:
I will trade you "Grade 5" for one of my gamertags.
Check my forum:

Sorry I am not too interested in trades right now. Also here is a little fun fact if you didn't know. I am the original owner of grade 5, and the first to ever make it.

Zen said:
Just wondering, how much did the tag Pus sell for?

65-100 dollars. I can't really remember the exact amount its been a while.
StateOfWar said:
Would you still sell it to me? If so, PM me it

Oh I guess I read that compeltely wrong. I sold grade 5 literally over a year ago. I thought you where offering me grade 5 for one of my tags. Not the other way around. I don't have it, And haven't for a long time. Let me know if interested in any others.

Alright well I have one last question, how much do three lettered gamertags usually sell for?

-Ones that are all letters
-Ones that are 2 letters and 1 number
StateOfWar said:
Alright well I have one last question, how much do three lettered gamertags usually sell for?

-Ones that are all letters
-Ones that are 2 letters and 1 number

It depends completely on what they are. If they are just completely random, If it looks cool or not etc. Also this isn't the thread for this kind of stuff. This is a sales thread. Post a thread in the marketplace discussion section for questions like this from now on please.

frogman293 said:
can i buy the Gamertag New Years Eve?

Yeah, It's still for sale.
alright cool, can you message me? Ill pay you right now

I cant PM yet, since I recently joined, and I don't have 10 posts yet so if there's a way of getting a hold on me that would be great!
frogman293 said:
alright cool, can you message me? Ill pay you right now

I cant PM yet, since I recently joined, and I don't have 10 posts yet so if there's a way of getting a hold on me that would be great!

I will pm you my paypal info, Than once I see the payment I will pm you again containing the info. That should work just fine.
Philly said:
I will pm you my paypal info, Than once I see the payment I will pm you again containing the info. That should work just fine.

how much is New Years Eve
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