It's politics man. Read between the line.
The lower class families don't have to pay for the government healthcare, yet Obama wants everyone to be covered.
Upper class families ($200k+ per year) have to pay .5% of what they make.
So the lower class families aren't going to get a portion if not all of that .5%?
The government will never admit it because they want everyone to stay happy so they get relected.
You got to realize, there are people (Like my dad) who basically works 3 jobs, a main job, a possible future job, and a job fixing the house. Yet we make around 60-70k a year.
Imho, the guys who earn 200k+ and are pissed of having to pay a 0.5% tax, y'all are greedy. Dont bring the bullshit of us being lazy because not everyone is. Our family probably works harder than yours while we get less than 50% of your income. And yes, my parents went to college.
Same here fafaffy, my dad works 2 jobs, mom works 4 and we barely have enough because of credit card basically I'll be paying for all 12+ years of college. Also they're not going to admit it because they won't get re-elected. You can think they're going to pay the poor people's health care with they, but they wont. It's the government does it really take that much thought? They're decreasing it for the general population and it will lower the cost a lot, so why put back in for even more.
Same here fafaffy, my dad works 2 jobs, mom works 4 and we barely have enough because of credit card basically I'll be paying for all 12+ years of college. Also they're not going to admit it because they won't get re-elected. You can think they're going to pay the poor people's health care with they, but they wont. It's the government does it really take that much thought? They're decreasing it for the general population and it will lower the cost a lot, so why put back in for even more.
Your parents wouldnt have to work so many jobs if they wouldnt have gotten in debt with credit card companies to start with. Paying for 12 years of college is your own choice. A bachelors degree is only 4 and that will take you far without paying for 8 extra years.