Official ForumKorner 4/18/2015 Contest! [ANYONE CAN ENTER!!]

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Trap said:
This contest should be on Twitch. Considering there is a new post every 1.3 seconds by @Gunnar or @Kowai


It's a competition man, and the rewards are awesome haha. But I do agree this should be on twitch lmao
gunnar said:
yeah haha i wonder what my words per minute is

Gunnar how do i see the like top 50 posters of the day after I go in stats... can you just link me?
Waifu said:
It's a competition man, and the rewards are awesome haha. But I do agree this should be on twitch lmao
This should be livestreamed. Let's just see how stupidly crazy this shit gets. The 2 giveaway threads by Magic and Matigo has blown up.
Trap said:
This should be livestreamed. Let's just see how stupidly crazy this shit gets. The 2 giveaway threads by Magic and Matigo has blown up.
i can't keep up with all the alerts and i haven't stopped typing in hours
Trap said:
This should be livestreamed. Let's just see how stupidly crazy this shit gets. The 2 giveaway threads by Magic and Matigo has blown up.

Hey how much post's do you think this thread is going to have before its over? haha
this is actually hilarious we are gonna be going nonstop for hours lmao
Same here Kowai I'm on east coast. Where abouts? I'm MA
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