Official ForumKorner Contest (Anyone can enter, anyone can win!)

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Gym said:
Play it that way, huh?

I guess number #9967
I also guess that number of #9967
I'm going to try my luck guessing numbers with a higher value.

Gym said:
I will match @Trunk and guess number #5

I will match @gym and guess number 5
I am going to try #7291, going to guess in the hundreds probably.
yo what up guys im back haha im guessing number 9,520
I will take a shot in the dark and guess number #1057
This will now be my 12th entry. It only seems fitting that I choose the number 12.
I hope someone guesses it before post 500.
I will guess #7445
ima guess 2,016 man i hope i win.
i guess 4,518 damn we at 200 post 300 more to go.
I've put in plenty of guesses, hope I achieve the spot.
I now guess #2515
Lets guess 9,001 real quick.

Good luck to everyone who enters
ill take 8,367 lol i best win with how many times i have posted.
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