Official ForumKorner posting contest!

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Shift said:
Make sure to tell me when you get there

Do you even know or you trying to fuck with me lol
I wish I signed up before Anahiem and them must have posted a crap ton lol
I will get these posts done tonight like fuck.
Shift said:
I know, I even asked Philly to confirm.

Tell me what it is then hooker ass
Shift said:
Tell me when you get there, then I will confirm it for you.
Okay sir it will take some time and hopefully you are not asleep.
Shift said:
I'll be up for a couole more hours, get posting.

I have been posting a lot so far so yup here I come big boi
Mojo said:
And I am post #474 LETS GO NUMBER 500 WOOHOO!!!!

Let's get dis done quick I am number 475 nigha.
Mojo said:
NUMBER 476 lets g00000 I can dance all day dance all day!

Well keep dancing because it's nightime.
Mojo said:
ohhh noezz!!!! plz noe! NOt THE CLAWS!

478 Let's go faster more posts the better
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