Official ForumKorner referral, and posting contest!

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Bend said:
What if they don't get accepted though? You've denied Cult before.

It would be on hold until you meet the requirements. If the person so happened to not meet them, and there is no requirements anymore. However there is a base that I go by myself but that is for me only to know.
Philly said:
It would be on hold until you meet the requirements. If the person so happened to not meet them, and there is no requirements anymore. However there is a base that I go by myself but that is for me only to know.

Kind of like the prestige system on HF, Omni only knows the system of prestige's. here it's for Power+, Philly only know the system for power+
Hey may i enter the refferal contest as well thanks man.
I guess I will give the referral contest a try. I have trouble getting people online to sign up, I can only get IRL friends sign up, but I'll try and get at least 10 by the end of this contest.
Well, Cult is going to win this post contest. Cult is acting dumb on every thread so they will quote him and then he can post again.
He did the samething in the last posting contest he spammed like crazy, he got banned then unbanned and won...
TIGEЯ said:
He did the samething in the last posting contest he spammed like crazy, he got banned then unbanned and won...

Yep, I'm sure he will be winning this one to unless I really start trying and building up some post.
Yea same well i get off of school soon so i can get more posts than them but im not going to spam and just say idiotic things.
TIGEЯ said:
Yea same well i get off of school soon so i can get more posts than them but im not going to spam and just say idiotic things.

I just got out of school, so it's time for me to go ham!
@beats lol going ham. He still has not updated the thread -_-
Cult said:
@beats lol going ham. He still has not updated the thread -_-

I think you mean Bend, Beats hasn't even posted on this thread.

Instead of posting how about you actually read NOOB.
Bend said:
I think you mean Bend, Beats hasn't even posted on this thread.

Instead of posting how about you actually read NOOB.
lawl u just got served xD
Bend said:
Well, Cult is going to win this post contest. Cult is acting dumb on every thread so they will quote him and then he can post again.

Don't worry, I won't let him win, hehe.
Really Optimus u bump this xD
Hopefully I can win, really need mulla. I'll try to be active.
Guess ill bump this so we can see the winners of each day.
I want to enter for the posting competition
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