Going to try and make this short and sweet..
agree that botting accounts takes the purpose out of the game. Why, you may ask? There are a few main reasons I'll touch in this
plethora of words I am about to throw at you.
1. Woodcutting
Before botting was around, besides the construction era, trees were mainly pretty free. No one thought much of taking woodcutting as a skill to make a lot of money. Ever since botting came around you are lucky to find a free tree even in a members world because everyone is trying to make a profit on one of the easiest skills to level in the game. These botters have became the main nuisance to every player trying to gain a woodcutting skill in the game.
2. Mining
I know even I have started botting mining and smithing, and I can tell from my first account where I worked for my mining skill, that it was more pleasurable earning it the hard way, even though i had 10 less levels on that account! Mining isn't as a bad as woodcutting in population on specific spots just yet, but it is definitely making its way up there.
3. Combat
This isn't one of the main things you see around, especially fighting random NPCs, but they are still used very often. Fighting Al Kharid bank guards was one thing I did non-stop on my secondary account in 2010, but i found it extremely hard because while I was botting, there were also around 20 other people in there with me. The same idea goes for Soul Wars especially after the official bot script for it came out.
4. Dropping Prices
Ever since botters came around, the quantity of everything has increased. As everyone who took an economics class knows, when the demand of something goes up, the price goes up. Soon after everyone goes after the high priced object the quantity of it raises and the price of it drops. With people bringing in over 2k logs a day on over 3 accounts alone, that is only a ticking time bomb for the markets to crash and everything revolving around that skill that normal users worked for will be demolished.
5. Time Spent Playing
Although Jagex now has semi-control over this with recent updates, it's still a big factor. Most players can't play, or aren't allowed to play over 8 hours a day due to real life factors. It is an unfair advantage that botters are allowed to train a skill of their choice throughout the day and night without any effort put into it. When I mined, I made over 3m in 24 hours of it just by sitting on my bed watching Netflix.
6. Total Level
Before botters came around, but after level 99's became a cool thing to have, selling an account with 99 level stats on it was a lot of money. I'm not saying it was the correct thing to do hence why Jagex has the rule to never sell your account for outside game profit, nor inside game profit. Aside that fact, today an account with one 99 only goes for around $10 USD at its maximum, unless it is a hard to train stat. But the fact that it only goes for $10 relates to the fact that it only takes a botter around a week to two weeks to get the 99 stat. Which affects people who try and get their 99s legitimately and it taking them a month or two compared to the two weeks it took a botter.
7. Account Stealing
Now that literally over 70% of the community uses a bot in some sort of way, everyone wants to get in on the action. This simple fact that "everyone does it so it must be okay" takes account stealing to a whole different level because everyone that bots also most likely has a phishing system out somewhere. With one small mistake everything that a legitimate player has worked for can crumble in an instant if he doesn't take good care of his account. This means over 2, 3, 4, or even 5 years of work can be taken away in the instant of entering your username and password. Although Jagex security can be made to be very strict, it still can't protect a careless user that just wants to bot.
8. Overall Enjoyment
Once you have literally done everything to be done in the game over a period of one year, what is the fun you have left in the game? Botting, if done correctly and you aren't banned, literally sucks all of the fun out of the game. You will beat years worth of fun in a year or two maximum by not even putting any effort or personal thought into it. Just a few clicks here and there and everything else is done through an AIO. It is cool to have everything done for the fact that you can say 'Yes, i've finally finished!', but Runescape was made to be unfinished. The reason i say that is they publish updates on a usual basis and have been doing so since the game came out. If they wanted you to be able to fully complete the game they most likely would've stopped updating it.
Overall, my personal stance on this subject is that botting isn't healthy for the game, nor is it fair to some people, especially the ones that lose their account. But seemingly, it isn't going to go away. So, if you can't beat them, join them.
Runescape Prices Dropping: 2011
Woodcutting bot is a hindrance. (This thread was brought up in 2011. imagine the population growth of woodcutters since then!)
Bots Ruining the Economy: 2011 Version (This one is related to pretty much everything else i said in the thread.)
Footnote: All of my information was written before looking up the sites. The sites were found through google according to how I wrote the steps.
Did anyone like my use of the word plethora?