OFFICIAL: RSD #1 - Does Botting Defeat the Purpose of the Game of the Game

Quagmire said:
I dont like bots and think they should be destroyed. Accept IDungeonPro.

sorry, just one of those words i hate people messing up. like you're and your. or there, they're, and their.
ANYWAYS, On-topic: It kind of defeats the purpose, but who plays for the purpose of the game now a days, besides like 12 year olds.
I sense little actual debate in this thread. You guys need to learn2debate, not just post a quick 1 sentence opinion.
It does not. If you didnt bot you would waste endless hours on stupid shit. It is very good and adds more fun to the game.
DrDinosaur said:
It does not. If you didnt bot you would waste endless hours on stupid shit. It is very good and adds more fun to the game.

How does botting add more fun to the game? It makes the game boring.
DrDinosaur said:
It does not. If you didnt bot you would waste endless hours on stupid shit. It is very good and adds more fun to the game.

You should go delete anything that has to do with Runescape on your computer. Obviously, you do not give two shits about Runescape, and you care more or so about killing it then saving it.
Botting 100%defeats the purpose of the gameRunescape. Runescape used to be challening, yet fun. Not alot of people had maxed stats or even had more than one 99. Now if you were to walk to a crowded area like the Grand Exchange, Wilderness, ect, you will see people with skill capes or just really high level people in general. About 80% of those people botted there stats that high instead of enjoying the game like it was meant to be played. Although if Jagex decided to seriously crack down super hard on bots and remove all botters, the game would die in less than a day. Runescape's economy would crash and over half of the community would leave. So I guess nowadays you would have to say botting is one of the main purposes of Runescape.
I love how people are trying to type using proper grammar. The only problem is they are using "i" instead of "I"...
I think that botting does indeed defeat the purpose of the game. There are three resons i believe that it defeats the purpose: cash made, combat level, and resale value.

Gold is hard to come by in todays runescape. The fact that a person can log onto a bot and fish one million rocktails in a month does not seem fair considering honest players take time to get thier fishing level up and they make the same money but its the fact of the way you make the money. Gold from botting and gold from playing are two completely different objects. The question comes down to are you an honest player or a botter/scammer. This defeats the point of the game because the point of the game is to earn money through hard earned time but if you bot you hardly work so its a cheap way of making gold.
Having a level 138 is what every player wants but are willing to use a bot and cheat to get that accomplishment. In total it would take 1.5 months of 24/7 playing to level an account to 138 combat. Would you rather enjoy the leveling up yourself or have a bot do it for you. For me, when i level up in strength i am so happy because i sat there for 30 minutes hitting away (click click click over and over) on the same creature. Botters dont get to feel the accomplishments they just get on when they have gotten 99 strength and go dominate. Botters dont feel the success of achieving the level up which defeats the point of the game.
Most botters when they get a pure account do one of two things sell it or play it. Now it sounds fun to level an account to 99 mage and sell it for $270 but the fact comes down to would you rather keep it after having an awesome account or sell it for bank? I think that botters who bot accounts and then sell them is a cheat way of making money and i think that if they sell the account then they should not be bought because it is against the jagex rules of conduct and the price of a level 138 is around $400 an who in their right mind would want to sell an account like that. I say keep the account and dominate on it. But it defeats the purpose of the game because the game is not to mak emoney on but to have fun during the day.
In conclusion i think that botting defeats the point of the game because you earn gold to fast, get leveled up with no effort and you can sell the accounts for money without caring about jagex rules.
Thank god for bot nuke day :thumbsup:
¥Demondax¥ said:
I sense little actual debate in this thread. You guys need to learn2debate, not just post a quick 1 sentence opinion.

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I was referring to the fact that everyone with typing LQ 1 liners.

1. Bots actually give the game an economy. Without the bots, we basically would all be be fucked with money. 1mil RSGP would be back to $3.50 USD like it was 4 years ago.

2. Personally, I hate leveling up stats I dislike (Hunter, fletching, etc.) In my opinion, that makes the game less fun, and less appealing

3. Imagine trying to gain money for 12 hours straight by yourself. I'm sure most of us here have somewhat of a life and do not sit on the computer 12 hours playing Runescape. And to add on to this, the economy is already inflamed, so getting rid of bots would be hell because half of Runescape is rich out their ass, which means prices would be a bitch.
My oppinion

Minus sides
Ofcourse, there are only a few minus sides I can see in botting and they are obvious to everyone. First, theres no real thrill or happiness when playing on a botted account. Then there's the risk of getting banned, meaning you risk your account (just like walking over the rope in the RS D&D circus...). It usualy is annoying when training legitly see over 20 people cutting your yew tree (17 of them are bots), you can't enjoy the game as it is desired by jagex.However, every bad thing has bonus sides so i'll also post them here.

Bonuses of botting
When botting, you save precious time (e.g. time for studies,work etc.),when botting you can make money for real not pixel things such as daily needs for lunch,weed and more. Botting also boosts up the economy to a deceantly needed level.

In my oppinion it DOES defeat the purpose of the game, i have played legitly since 2003, never botted,slowly enjoying my game, and now everyone should try to play the game for joy. I'd say playing legitly only makes it more fun.
Ahem, I assume that everyone knows this debate ended on the date of October the 31st, and I'm wondering now that it is November of the 6th when is the judging going to begin?
i posted just to post my oppinion about this, nothing else.
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