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Hat said:
Even with spawn trapping that's impossible, especially with a W/L ratio like that.... Because you ARE going to have bad games, no one on Team FeaR even has a KD that high... Just sayin.
Well Agoniziing holds a 10KD and hes prob one of the best players on COD. And thats pretty close to a 15
Supra said:
Well Agoniziing holds a 10KD and hes prob one of the best players on COD. And thats pretty close to a 15

i beat him in 1v1, hes a FFA player, also im 1 of the best along with some of my friends
check BO leaderboards, im top 20 FFA all time and i havent played in like a year look up my BO account "Show Passion" i can provide a friend request if needed
How'd you end up with this tag because i remember when Afro had it a long ass time ago
Junior said:
How'd you end up with this tag because i remember when Afro had it a long ass time ago

he scammed me of it then i got it back then had it ever since
Ted said:
i beat him in 1v1, hes a FFA player, also im 1 of the best along with some of my friends
check BO leaderboards, im top 20 FFA all time and i havent played in like a year look up my BO account "Show Passion" i can provide a friend request if needed

a FR is not needed, proofness is needed, a very trusted member needs to play with you on your account your selling so you can prove you're legit and that you do infact pull a 14.00 or close to and win practically every game.
Hat said:
a FR is not needed, proofness is needed, a very trusted member needs to play with you on your account your selling so you can prove you're legit and that you do infact pull a 14.00 or close to and win practically every game.

i wish but i sold my xbox in febuary, if you could help me get a new 1 then i will gladly
Ted said:
i wish but i sold my xbox in febuary, if you could help me get a new 1 then i will gladly

Is there any vids of you playing on YouTube that is linked to that GT? Because honestly, the K/D and W/L ratio is retardedly high, as well as reaching 13th prestige in 27 hours.... That's one prestige every 2 hours.
Hat said:
Is there any vids of you playing on YouTube that is linked to that GT? Because honestly, the K/D and W/L ratio is retardedly high, as well as reaching 13th prestige in 27 hours.... That's one prestige every 2 hours.

1 prestige every 2 hours is possible if u strafe boost with x2 xp but the account looks modded....Im still digging the tag tho
Hat said:
Is there any vids of you playing on YouTube that is linked to that GT? Because honestly, the K/D and W/L ratio is retardedly high, as well as reaching 13th prestige in 27 hours.... That's one prestige every 2 hours.

idk why it says that i got like 6days and yes im in videos with birdman
You never 1v1d Agoniizing trust me, I actually talk to him. Your stats are modded. Plus I talk to eViLx and Birdman on a regular basis and I've never heard of you.

Also don't forget that modded gamerscore.
Noah said:
You never 1v1d Agoniizing trust me, I actually talk to him. Your stats are modded. Plus I talk to eViLx and Birdman on a regular basis and I've never heard of you.

Also don't forget that modded gamerscore.

Noah You know me, you dont know me as Ted

Noah said:
You never 1v1d Agoniizing trust me, I actually talk to him. Your stats are modded. Plus I talk to eViLx and Birdman on a regular basis and I've never heard of you.

Also don't forget that modded gamerscore.

its me Dynamics nigga
Deal with extreme caution, member tried scamming me for the gamertag 'Daughter'.
Moon said:
Deal with extreme caution, member tried scamming me for the gamertag 'Daughter'.
WTF! i dont know moon nor have i ever scammed or talked to you
NFS said:
wow really nice og i would buy this if i had money

Ya the semi version of my oG is Decisions.
the definition of a oG is a singular word with no pre/suffixes and has a plural version
Multi accs. And a scammer. Ban please

And decide is the og form u dumb shit. Decision is a semi
Dreams said:
Multi accs. And a scammer. Ban please

And decide is the og form u dumb shit. Decision is a semi

no because decide is the verb and decision is the singular form for decisions you dummy also wtf is Multi accs mean???
ill trade you "Possibility" - 4 year tenure with 5000+ GS
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