og Skype


thread ddisappeared. Both are still for sale
If you're buying these be warned they aren't worth the bandwidth used to transfer the details.
Pm me the skypes please im interested.
Glitch said:
If you're buying these be warned they aren't worth the bandwidth used to transfer the details.

the Skypes I PMd you are not the same skypes for sale in this thread. obviously I'm not going to trade two decent skypes for an email, so how about you shut your mouth instead of making unwarranted assumptions?
Epidemic said:
Post them here instead, or just get 1 more post.
Are you trying to get the Skypes banned? Lol.

PM me the usernames buddy.
Glubzy said:
Are you trying to get the Skypes banned? Lol.

PM me the usernames buddy.

Lol, it seems like the admins here want the skypes to get banned. My first thread was deleted and now I have a warning level of 40% for 'character evading' because i starred out some of the letters in the usernames.

It honestly wouldn't surprise me at all if it was actually the staff here co-operating with microsoft in order to get the accounts suspended.
Wow that's fucking ridiculous, maybe staff should show some respect to our fellow members. I thought they tried to prevent banning, not to increase it.

Well, for Skype anyway.
Glubzy said:
Wow that's fucking ridiculous, maybe staff should show some respect to our fellow members. I thought they tried to prevent banning, not to increase it.

Well, for Skype anyway.

anyway, I think you've seen the skypes before. Btw, do you still have that username thats in the middle of two things? @hint

I may be interested in buying
MLT said:
anyway, I think you've seen the skypes before. Btw, do you still have that username thats in the middle of two things? @hint

I may be interested in buying
Not any more, it was banned. All of mine were banned.

I still have around ten left if you're interested, they won't be banned because nobody knows about them.
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