OG/stat tumblr

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Tumblr is going to die in the next year or two, due to all the pseudo-feminists that ruined the site.

Good luck though, it's rare to see someone selling a decent Tumblr.
"You will be going first, no exceptions."
"I'm willing to use Philly as a mm only"...

You should probably fix that.

Nonetheless, good luck getting this sold.
@rude thanks
@sector I guess I was more or less processing those as separate thoughts, but I can see where that's confusing, thanks.
@katakana Nah, there are so many different groups on tumblr. Don't pay attention to the stupid stuff (even though there's a lot). thanks!
GLWS, i like tumblr aha but im sure you should be able to sell it!
pm me the url please, I'd like to see if this really is the best and I might even offer if it is
I don't have funds or I'd probably buy.
@hitmarker thanks
@deuce thanks baby, now i'm in the same money needing boat as you
Deuce said:
I'll put 200$ on this.
I'll increase if I ever get more cash.
I'd also rather use PayPal if you'd take it from me as it's such an effort to get MP. But I could still probably manage it.

Thanks lovely. I'd prefer MP, but I could work out paypal with you.

@rude This leaves you outbid, atm.
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