OG @yahoo email accounts for sale


I have some very nice @yahoo accounts for sale that I have had for years.

freak@yahoo.com BIN $110
trojaned@yahoo.com BIN $35
hustle@yahoo.com BIN $90
crackin@yahoo.com also has crack-in@yahoo.com on the account BIN $40
O.G@yahoo.com BIN $85
jaymie@yahoo.com BIN $10
Queer@yahoo.com BIN $60
swat@yahoo.com BIN $65
rough@yahoo.com BIN $55
farting@yahoo.com BIN $ 40
rotting@yahoo.com also has mortified@yahoo.com on the account BIN $30
regurgitation@yahoo.com BIN $25
gunz@yahoo.com BIN $40
carpentry@yahoo.com BIN $20
digestive@yahoo.com BIN $20
deduct@yahoo.com BIN $25
glib@yahoo.com BIN $20
thrives@yahoo.com BIN $25
urgency@yahoo.com BIN $10
depths@yahoo.com BIN $20
PASTURED@yahoo.com BIN $10
settled@yahoo.com BIN $25
uppity@yahoo.com BIN $10
lenee@yahoo.com BIN $15
oozeD@yahoo.com BIN $10
Pm me your lists when you get to 10 posts
I'm pretty interested
Nah I don't have that one, but I have a lot of very nice ones, I also buy them if you have any really nice ones
When you get 10 posts PM me please
ReigNs said:
I have some very nice @yahoo accounts for sale that I have had for years. If anyone is interested just leave a comment and I will pm you the emails I have
very interested Pm me your email pls thanks
Private Message me when you reach 10 posts. I'm Interested!
very interested paying in btc please pm me
I've been searching for a good email, please PM me your list after you get 10 posts.
I have added my list to the post so no one has to pm me now unless your making an offer. I don't have any bin prices right now I will work on that later today so just offer away
Please put BIN prices on these emails thanks.
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