I cant believe that anderson silva pull off that amazing mark twain shit in the last few minutes of that 23 rape infested minutes of solid ground and pound by chael sonnon. now i know there arent any UFC fans here so let me put it in a similar scenero. ok you got this guy right in runescape level idk say 123, and hes beatn almost everybody out there with a dds just straght raping the shit out of homies and then this scrub level 85 strength pure comes out and just talks a whole mess saying that that lvl 123 guy aint shit. so they duke it out and the strength guy is just dominating the lvl 123 guy hittin id say 123 and 166 continuesly so the lvl 123 guy is like shit im eating sharks like a whore and im almost out i need to pull off some mark twain shit, ice barrage runs away and the guy got hit with a 12,000,000. THE END, but yea so opinions pls i diddnt waste 45 minutes for no one to reply.