I need 3 people needs to lure.
1'st of all.
its going to be 1/4 of the loot to everyone! if we get a phat drop. we sell it and we divine 1/4 of it. ok? Get it.?
if u bs: Ull be kicked out and Fced and murdered, and maybe ddosed.
Are you Female or male: I dont choose ok? so dont call me sexiest. we need 1girl tho.
strength: 93
Constitution: 91
Do you have claws: Yas
Combat: 110
Summoning: 10 rofl.
Rsn: Joshxddos
Skype:adding later...
Ok, if u want in just fill out application. add ME ON MSN OR SKYPE AND RS.
if u want to add me on all
I fell like talking on skype or msn for loots and stuff.
We share l00ts!
Sometimes i give u claws if u Need but if u take em and log ur ddosed.
because u scammed me.-.-